For sure, I’m a peep.

The images you share here make me long to toss all my shoes and clothes, and only have a few things. Alas, Seattle weather means dress in layers. Yet, I still hope to begin to shed much of my old work-outside-the-house clothes.😜.

Yes, please write more about how you got from here to there. πŸ’•

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So much to respond to here 😁

First, I love your mom. And it's funny, every time I see the word likkle I also worry for you about people who don't know what it means. For me, it's second nature but for anyone else it may not be.

Second, i LOOOVE that you and your husband asked Jamaican friends about simple living. I can't wait to read that post. I used to interview Jamaicans for my old blog about things they may not understand and the responses were hilarious. Like, I once asked a few of them how they felt about the fact that in Canada we call a "marina" (the tanktop) a "wifebeater." 100% of them were shocked and slightly offended 🀣🀣

And finally, I love your simple living style. I miss my simple days in Jamaica. Although I did have hot water in my first apartment, but not my second one. And some days I had NO water.

Thank you for sharing this Deanna!

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Dear Deanna 🀍You made me smile. I deeply resonate with what you’re saying. I’ve been listening to you while walking in the north of Spain, following my own path toward simple living. πŸ˜… I couldn’t help but laugh when you mentioned the Google searches about simple living, the Tinder phase of your life, and all the laundry-managing moments. I totally understand; I’ve been through similar phases myself.

I’m still learning how to use Substack, but I loved today’s story. Thanks for sharing it. I’m really looking forward to your next essay and hearing what your Jamaican friends have to say about simple living. Your writing is so witty, and you made me smile. Thank you for that.

Have a good day, or better yet, have a good slow day, dear friend 🀍🀍🀍

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