Aug 4Liked by Deanna Thomas

Great article! I’ve had the pleasure of receiving in-person Reiki channeling from you and it provided me such clarity!! This post really hits on the nuances and unambiguous aspects of Reiki - distance Reiki at that. Thanks for sharing 💫

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Such a blessing to connect with you here in this little corner of the internet, Shola! Thank you kindly for taking the time to read and connect. A deep bow and a lotus for you on this new moon today, Shola 🙏🪷✨

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Love it 🙏🏽🩵🌺😃

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Thank you deeply and kindly, Lin, for joining me here in the Calm Spirit Wellbeing community! My heart smiles to know that my words resonated with you. Have you experience distance Reiki before?

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Awesome! I would love to hear about your experience if you feel called to share!

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Wow thanks for the info on Reiki! I've had Reiki performed on me (at a distance) a few years back from a fellow YTT student. It was actually amazing. I laid down, relaxed for the 45 minute session and can't describe (and won't taint others views or offer expectations) other than to say, I guess, I got out what I needed. As a yoga practitioner, I also believe in the life force energy and the power of it! Thanks Deanna for this comprehensive overview! Pura vida

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You're most welcome, Marlo, and thank YOU for chiming in and sharing your experience! I was just having an in-depth conversation on video this morning about yoga and Reiki and someone was asking me to explain how they are the same and different...such a fascinating conversation to have and your comment takes me right back there with your mention about your belief in the life force energy as a yoga practitioner. Yoga and Reiki are excellent complements and have so many similarities. ❤️🙏

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TOTALLY intrigued by the woo-woo! I have learnt SO much from this essay. Loved your analogy about feeeeeling the vibes and energy via frequency. Yes, I'm familiar with crystal healing and use so many in my life depending on the needs - but had no idea reiki works on frequency and vibration too!

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I love the woo-woo, too-too, Mohika!! (I couldn't help it, lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣). I am so glad that my essay provided you with helpful information and thank you so much for being here and engaging. You're a gem and I'm grateful to have you in my little community here! 🪷💜🙏

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Thanks so much for this interesting and comprehensive look at Reiki. I've had Reiki in the past, from a beautiful compassionate woman who perceived my need for healing at the very beginning of my journey. I understood nothing about energy at the time except that I seemed not to have any but I trusted her and Reiki helped me to keep going. I happened to have moved, accidentally and not by intention, to a place where gifted healers have concentrated, Byron Bay (on the North Coast of New South Wales, Australia in case the name is unfamiliar, although it has been pretty much discovered internationally since I landed here). Many different modalities practiced by many expert practitioners here have supported me to recover full functioning as an evolving human. I honour and support your work as a Reiki practitioner; your loving commitment to the wellbeing of others breathes through your writing and warms my heart.

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Give thanks, Pauline, for sharing your experience with Reiki! How wonderful that you were open to it, even when you weren’t sure what it was or how it works. It was the same for me when I experienced my first Reiki session. So fascinating that the universe put you in a place with so many gifted healers…doesn’t sound like an accident to me; it sounds like divine intervention. Thank you for your kind words, for taking the time to read my article, and for sharing your experience. I’m so grateful to have you in my little community! 🙏❤️

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